
Friday, August 26, 2011

Trg vs T team stadium lak kita..
Itula gunanya fb..asbenku tetibe je dpt tau ada frenly game mlm ni kt stadium kt..dekat je ngan hotel..
Currently sedang update blog dr bangku penonton di stadium..hehe..
Mood tak brp nk in sgt dgn game mlm ni..
Kalau aku ni blogger tegar yg cari duit dgn blog..memang bleh wat keje sgt...huhuh..
Cume prob nye..aku tatau nak upload gambo dr ipad.heheh..

Camana game mlm ni?
Agak balance je la..cuma t team nmpak teratur skit la..
Aku sokong mana? Ntah...aku bkn giler bola sgt..sekadar menemani asbenku yg giler bola..
Dlm tak minat tu..aku jugak la yg remind kan asbenku nama2 pemain..heheh..
Syok jugak kalau jerit2 kt stadium..mmg release stress...n takyah control2 nak jerit..
Tp aku tak jerit la..nengok ajo..

Okesla..nanti apdet lagi..

Check in to riyaz heritage, pulau duyung, trg

Bersiaran dr hotel riyaz ni..
Saje nak tunaikan baucer yg dah nak lupus..
So far..tempatnya ok..sesuai kalau bawak family..
Tp xde apa xtvt sgt..swimmming pool chalet nye ok..

Oh ye..setelah di view info kat dalam laci...baru ku tau ada bnyak xtvt ropenyer..
Punyela kami round2 boring2... Amik gambo keliling...pastu dh bosan..
Just nak tggu wakyu berbuka pose...

Buffet ramadhan kt sini rege rm 60 per person..aku dpt diskaun 15% sbb ada membership.
Asben rate tetap..sesungguhnya perut daku ini tak sesuai utk join buffet2 ni..muatan kecik ajo..
Aku skang ni stail makan kerap boleh..makan bnyk takleh...padehal dulu2 akulah jore perut xpe..asbenku ada..bab2 menyetlkan mknn..serah saje pd nya...kalau tak..tak berbaloi byr seratus lebih nk mkn ala lite2 ajer..

Okes..nanti sambung lagi..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mood nak raya yang tak seberapa

Arini belajar mende baru...
Belajar camana nak baca email ofis thru ipad..
Pi tanya tok guru..sekali dia pun pi call sifu dia..
Eh..ada latest method la nak baca email...
Straight to the point..takyah dok setting server bagai..heheh..
Yeay..dh bleh bc email di mana2..kalau ada banyak akaun email pun boleh lum sum sekali..baca sekali harung..i like..heheh..

And if u notice..bnyk btul spelling error dlm previous post..baru jumpa settingnya..heheh..slow btul la..yela..tak sempat nk explore habis2an lagi ipad ni..bercita2 nk explore betul2 n setkan tablet ni jd pengganti bnyk mende ko kene study..

Back to the topic..kampus agak lengang sehari dua ni..kelas aku still ok lg la kot..attendance 3/4..kira ok la..ada yg ada 2 org je student dtg kelas..huhuh..lecturer pun dah ramai amik cuti...aku pun nasib baik silibus dah habis.lps raya nak fokus buat soalan je..silibus abis.kelas tetap lain mcm excited gile je nak n husband mcm bese je..bajunraya pun x beli..nasib baik mak gatal2 beli kain n jahitkan bj raya..tu pun tak harap sgt bleh siap sblm raya tu..huhuh..aku spt bese...selalu raya aku bantai je baju2 yang aku pakai pi keje..agak2..yang latest aku adalah..huhuh...sian laki aku..dpt bini yg x brp proper dlm urusan persiapan2 raya ni..huhuh..kuih raya beli je serba skit..tu pun tujuan nak makan2 sndiri bersama family..heheh..duit raya bebudak..dah prepare..oh ye..ada beli kasut baru utk keje..kira aka kasut raya la kan..

Org lain excited nak balik kg segera..aku lak mcm mls je nak balik awal..huhuh..siap plan ngan asben..nak pi bercuti sat kt KT b4 balik kuantan..heheh..bkn bercuti sgt pun..saje nak guna baucer hotel yg belum tertunai.dh dekat nk lupus dah..haiyo...sblm ni..wiken kan asik bz je...weekdays aku keje..weekend asben lak masih keje..lps raya ni pun bz gak nak pi merata..visit practical student la..conference la...kursus mcm2 la..

Honestly..aku lebih ske beraya di kg asben sbb meriah..abih rumah pi ziarah..kalau kt kitorang jenis ske duk umah n tggu org jln2 sgt..adik badik mak aku siap order lagi raya nanti depa request nak makan apa..mak aku masak la..ape lagi..berduyunla dtg serang family by family..huhuh...umah asben lak..sedare mare...mmg kebanyakannya duk dekat2 je..makanya..kalau raya 3 hari pun x abis umah lagi nak ofkosla..tetap juga nak beraya dgn family sendiri..ikut turn la kan.

Alhamdulillah..tahun ni beraya agak selesa skit dr segi kewangan..kami ada strategi kewangan yg la saving duit banyak skit..n belen duit utk bulanan pun lebih skit..soo..takdela sengkek je setiap ujung bulan..insyaallah...harap perancangan bisnes slps ni pun berjalan lancar..

Okla..selamat hari raya kepada yg membaca..maaf zahir dan batin..

Kalau rajin, i tulis lagi..

Monday, August 22, 2011

Reminder for myself

Just nak ingatkan diri sendiri.
Ok kalau masuk meeting dgn org besau2..hang jwp straight to the point je...takyah explain pjg lebar..Pastu kalau den gar dia berleter ke hape ke..ko senyum n angguk je..walaupun apa yg dia ckp tu tak brp tepat..

Harini pestaim masuk meeting Perolehan..bila pengarah Tanya..ofkos aku jwb sejujur2nya..termasuk prob skrg n apa plan overcome that turns out..aku complicated kan the requirement of the question..patut kena jwb mcm kt court je..yes or no..huhuh..malu gak td bila staf2 lain terpaksa rephrase soalan pengarah...yang aku jwb smpai ke laut tuh buat apa..heheh...

N agak x puas hati skit dgn management...panggil meeting kul aku terpaksa kua kelas awal td..dahla ada bnyk mende nk kene diskas lg dgn student...alih2...aku org pertama yg dtg n dia ckp giliran ke9..hampeh tak...xpe.pengalaman..Akan dtg..taula flow dia cmn kan...n guess what.aku meeting 5 min je...n aku tarpaksa korbankan kelas aku utk meeting 5 min..

Nk marah2 pun tak guna. Terkilan tu adala..ok...I ll adjust myself to go with the flows..

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Menu apa hari ini..

Ermm...nak makan apa ye arini...
Yang pastinya kena beli bhn mentah sat lagi coz peti dh kosong..huhuh..
Mau beli ayam, Ikan, so tong, udang, sayer skit2..

Plan nak buat cucur ikan bilis..mask ikan n sayur...
Ermm...tgk dulu dpt ikan apa nanti..baru bleh plan nak masak apa..
Tak pun...goreng mi ajo...sonang aje nak masak utk 2 org ni..apa2 pun boleh..

Kali ni beraya di rasa macam..isk..awal sgt plak nak balik Kuantan awal2..
Heheh..depa dah bagi cuti awal2, rasa macam bosan plak nak balik awal2...
Nak buat apa ye sementara nak balik kg tu ye..

Long time no see..

Hell yeah...lama gila tak posting..

Ada banyak perubahan dalam management kerja skrg..
Ofkos ada problem in handling some issues...but I'm getting better...
Kind of like my job...
And I can seek out my opportunities better..
I think because of there aren't much my case la..
Most of my partners took their job as a work..and I took it as a challenge..n wanna make it as a order to do that, I have to love my love your job..u need to understand the flows..n thank god..I,ve made the right choice to accept the offer to be a leader.even though I knew that I,m not that good..but I took the responsible to make myself the's a stressful phase..but I've learned a lot..I learned that I do not need to think too much on student's failure rate,their attitude,their future...they will get matured when the time has come..but never stop to guide n motivate them..I learned that the students should be exposed or informed more about the future real working environment rather than focus too much on their grades. Pointer is important but it's not the most priority criteria that will be considered when u attend an interview. Ofkosla need to be good in my teaching method n make sure that student understands the lecture as well. But I'm gonna concentrate on their understanding in problem solving skills and critical thinking rather than memorizing the pattern of answer solutions and end up like a spm candidate who will scores because u are hardworking for doing a lot of Latih tubi not because you are smart. Your pointer doesn't support your performance in a real working situation, but the way you think and act does. Got my point?

Students issues is not much a problem to me anymore, but the staff does..heheh..
Nak handle org tua lagi Susan drp budak2 woo..
Adults can' be scolded,nagged,dictatored...ugut2 pun takleh woo..
Bistu kalau depa tanak dgr arahan..hangpa nak bust apa?ngadu kat org Atas?ignore je?
Heheh...payah juga jd boss...ingot leh main arah2 je..semer org buat je..kalau Ada yang taknak buat..hg nak kata apa..I've tried email,call and face to face..Ada yg menjadi..Ada yang krg menjadik...huhuhu...sabo je la..I think I need to be more patient..hoping that that I can gained more respects from my staff..I need more proof I suppose..huhuh...I can labelled myself as an expandable person when it comes to work..but yes..I can't expect that from my staff..we can't change people's attitude..but I can change myself to be more flexible with them...janji keje far..quite satisfied dgn performance faculty while I'm in charge..we have a lot of activities n projects..because I have too much ideas agaknya..pastu nak suruh org jlnkan..mana org tak nyampah kan..heheh..takpe..takpe..nanti kita tgk apa hasilnya yer...nape aku suruh buat macam2..nape nak suruh semua terlibat...nape nak suruh sruh org feel belonging to the faculty...u will understand why..someday..insyaallah..

Ok..sekian untuk luahan hati Pada Kali ini...hoping that I will write more..since I owned an on the go tablet rite now..heheh..just bought an iPad 2..n love it so can type Minit mesy..view important docs everywhere I go..n the most important thing is..I can check email wherever I go..even while im on'm not regret ok..n iPad ni bleh let a, dlm handbag je...n laju Giles dia punya response..even pakai wifi..

Ok..catch u letter