
Friday, January 28, 2011

New Look

This is my new look..
heheh...tq to nomi sbb sediakan tutorial tu..
saje2 la try...
i realize that..kalau nk try new template..hanya sesuai utk blog yg baru buat la..
kalau mcm my bisnes blog..
habis widget2 lama kene buang..x reti dah den nk setting..huhuh..
yg ni pun..gadget2 pun buat yg lain..
abis follower pun ilang..huhuh..

anis..column yg zrn maksudkan tu...
maybe u can write a continuous novel..n each of your post tu..masukkan dlm gadget link list..
then put your title la..nama novel..heheh..

menu mlm ni..

adios dulu...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

citer saje2...

Cuci mata dulu...
menu kali ini adalah..sayur campo + suun + fucuk, ikan grg n sambal terung..

Menu bile pun aku x ingat...
oh yer..nak bg resipi kt anis..

Resipi sayur labu air..
bahan2: labu air, ikan bilis, bwg besar,bwg putih,isi ikan rebus (seekor)
Prosedur: tumis bwg merah & putih, masuk segenggam ikan bilis(basuh skit), masuk air, biar mendidih,taruk sayur, taruk isi ikan rebus, jgn lupa garam...tggu sayur empuk ckit..taraaaaa...nak lg umph..ubuh serbuk lada hitam sesudu...

Resipi solok lada...erks..lupe lak..nanti la ye nomi..heheh..kene bukak buku..

Ni nasi goreng kg...fav cik abg i...huhuh..

arinih citer takde ujung pangkal k...
sbb takde mood nak wat keje n esok aku ala2 relax lak..
tggu la lps cuti midterm nih..baru la tudia...huhuh...
thank PSS dah dah stori pjg td..
bolehla dia tlg2 aku..
huh..bnyk aku kene apdet tod list nih..
naik cuti nih..smer nak kene jln kan..

ok..ingat tak cite psl si dora yg beranak atas siling tuh?
ok...kami berjaya selamatkan seko..gebu lak tuh..

Tp sygnya..dah mati pg td...kene cakar dek bapak kucing..isk..isk..
dahla sekor ni je ada...nasib ko la dora...

okla..til next time..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

la ni nak bak story lite2 pun tak dan..
lenkali la sambung..huhuh..

Masanya sudah bermula..

Aku rasa..bermula minggu ni..dah start kene pi meeting mcm2..
n sometimes rasa stuck in the between..
big boss ske push(which is bagus sebenarnya)
n yg bwh aku perlukan guidance..which aku pun x berapa pandai sgt lg ni...
setel psl 1 perkara ni..baru aku rasa macam bleh bernafas kembali..
still waiting for my PPS...bnyk mende yg aku nak mintak tlg..sbb tak pandai sgt la bab2 spec n tender ni..

Meeting2 yg aku attend baru ni dah getting serius..dah sentuh psl sentimen negara n politik..atutnyerrr...
next week midterm break utk bebudak..yes..aku pun ade break la jugak..
boleh aku siapkan manyk mende..
plus...nk kene balik kg gak dah lari ni..huhuh...

td pi risik2...ada kemungkinan kampus baru..lambat lagi kita nak masuk..
ok la tuh..sempatla aku nak plan macam2..
kami je yg akan pindah ke sana cuak..
mcm aku nak kene handle 1 kampus ok..huhuhuh... that time..aku dah makin terer kot bab manage2 ni..

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Arini wat kelas budak2 present..ada yg ok..ada yg less effort..hermm...
borak2 ngan tepon sama la plak..heheh..
cari2 manual lab lama...sambil borak2..
kene buat spec baru la plak..ada org x jumpe cari spec lama..huuu...
mujo ada org boleh tlg buatkan...x larat dah den..

arini jumpe big boss..
inform psl..satgi aku kene approve kan cuti2 org..huhuh..
n suh setelkan stor pelupusan kimia tuh..takdenye aku nk tlg setelkan k..tggu PPS masuk dia la plak..
eden tak larat dah..sbb smer mende dtg serentak..
kan bagus kalau aku dianggap org yg baru masuk keje..smer mende org tunjukkan..
takde maknanyala der..skang ko kene blajo cari2 sndiri..sebelum agih2kan keje kat anak2 buah..huhuhsem ni mmg miserable la skit..xpela..blaja drp kesilapan n pengalaman..

wiken ni kene dtg keje gak la kot..setelkan jugak list ni..
td dpt info ejas balik la list tu..
list xde masalah beb..cume bila tambah list..kene tambah la spec dia..
jenuh plak aku nak mencari..kalau xnak urgent..xpela jugak..uhuh..

bdn rasa sengal2 je ni..mau demam kah..atau mau piyed..atau pregnant kah..miahahah..
ske benau bangan nk peknen ni...yela..dah 3 taun bangan..kucing aku pun dah baper batch dah klua...xpela..sabar jela menanti..i nak twins..heheh..ambitious saje...

semalam masak nasi laik simple2..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Entry sebelum pulang juga

Arini leh tahan bz...dgn hulu hilir...
Tp ada suntikan semangat skit...sbb ada program baru..n rasa mcm kene cabar je..
kene buat plan utk agihkan keje ni..
Syukurlah ada member ala2 timbalan gitu..
bleh diskusi2...
takpe..kami akan buktikan kami boleh naikkan semula reputasi kami yg langsung x dikenali di sini..heheh
muka aku pun dah semakin tebal bila kene perli..asik menyekit je aku kene sejak akhir2 ni..
xpe...redah jela..i`ll be better...insyaallah..
akan cuba majukan diri..tingkatkan produktiviti..elakkan tangguh keje k..

erm..nk masak apa yer mlm ni..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sebelum daku pulang...

arini kelas 6 jam..penat bercakap..huhuh..
so x sempat nk ngadap tenet sgt..
arini jugak terasa macam kerani tp dlm keadaan sama jd bos..camno tu..huhuh..
coz ramai sgt duk tanya bnyk mende kat aku..n bnyk mende jugak aku kene setelkan..

so..sebelum pulang..nak tempek2 gambo skit..

ni menu ptg time pi merayap ke bando jap..sbb nak masuk duit ke bank..lama x lepak luar ni..sesekali pekene kopok lekor..bes la plak kopok kat warung ni..

ni gambo pemandangan meja keje baru belah kiri..belah kanan..macam2 lagi ado... bihun goreng singapore kelmarin..hancur2 bihunnyer..heheh..xpela..cik abg i ske sedap x sedap pun tetap akan habis punyo.heheh

wokes..sekian sesi cuci mato..daku pulang dahulu...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Giler koser..

Sebagai menjawab komen anis...aku wat satu post terus..dedicated just for u..heheh
i believe..u r the only reader that i have for now..huhu

Ye..aku memang giler kose..heheh..
selalunya sbb keadaan memelukan aku jd gile kose..

Tentang bisnes...
pjg gak citer aku nak citer psl bisnes nih..
sbg rekod la jugak kan..semnetara masih ingat ni kan..huhuh
tp..utk post kali nih..cite simple2 je udah dulu..
FYI..FR jaga kedai..boring giler mamat tuh..
ater..nak amik pekerja belum mampu lg..
ade org mengeluh sbb tensen ngan keje yg bnyk..
tp fahamilah..kalau keje yg rilek giler pun rasa boring gila gak kan..huhuh
so kami try2 masuk psr mlm..seronok skit..n income pun much better..
aku temankan sbb kemah tuh kene ada 2 org nk bukaknya.. sokongan moral n tlg2 dia nege la jugak..
tp..kami fokus ujung minggu je..hari bese duk kat kedai..
so income dtg dr dua sumber la..alhamdulillah..
from tenet belum begitu menjadik lg..aku pun bz nak update..
nak apdet blog bisnes pun kene ada strategi2 gak..nak amik gambo lg..nk susun2 lagi..
so..skrg try fb la plak..
tggu restock..baru tambah2 gambo..huhuh..
so..bisnes ni xdela ganggu sgt keje harianku..
blog bisnes saje pun dh  baper..hahah..mmg giler kose..
blog fakulti pun aku uruskan..sbb depa kat sini x reti..adala srg dua je yg tau..
so..aku gak yg wat kelas hands on psl blogging..hahah..mmg giler kose..

Tentang keje..
i can say that..aku jenis bnyk idea nk dikemukakan psl keje..
n kdg2 lantang bersuara gak..
nape jd camtu?
sbb keadaan memerlukan ok..
tataula nape..mgkin sbb suasana kat sini so mendamaikan..people pun jd so lemah lembut
just ikut je arahan...kalau xde arahan..semua senyap..huhuh..
so kalau dlm meeting pun semua senyap je..ko rasa boleh hidup x camtu..huhuh
oleh kerana aku ni bnyk sgt ckpnye..kejenye xdela bagus sgt..
maka..aku telah diminta utk replace my boss..
baru start je skang dah rasa aura2 stress nyer...adeih..padan muka aku..huhuh

 Kat umah..(yg ni bukan citer giler kose..heheh)
Aku masak ikut mood la jugak..masak utk berdua je..lauk pun sempoi2..
kami berdua ni ske makan nasik..n lauk kat kedai..dh boring..heheh..
kami jrg mkn kat kedai...
so..masak2 la jugak...selalu time wiken la..
kalau weekdays..bese balik keje tuh..aku rotate menu2 mi,kuetiau,bihun..cucur..nasi grg..
i xde anak lg..bolehla u..
ada anak sok sok..tataula masuk dapo ke x..heheh

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dissappointed Mode

I`m so disappointed with myself..
Firstly..because i`m still not finish with the`s been a month since i`m taking over the job from him..
Thought the issue will be settled better if i`m the one who did the job..`s my fault..lengah2 sgt.. big boss dah sound la..why u are so maluuu...padan muka aku..
so..after this..he asked me to response directly to more via my ex boss..
n i have to be more efficient...adesss...
xpela..maybe i`ll be more matured in management stuff

Second thing is..
We have changed our schedule for lots of time...
So actually i`m quite fed up with schedule..
The schedule of the new lecturer has been swithched with the other one..
so i forgot to resubmit the schedule to the clerk..
So the consequence from that is..the lect. got a wrong info on his offer letter..quite a big deal..
SO i need to resubmit the form with the correct schedule..
Camno nak explain to the TPK about this..isk..isk..

Ok..the time will come when i will delegate lots of works to the other people..
Instead of doing everything on my own..n keep it for myself..
At my mindset was..if i do a lot of this job..i will know about a lot of management things
n how to deal with staff n so on..
But still..mende lain pun aku nk tlg pk kan jugak..
ok..enuff is rite now..i will remiind other people to start to do their tasks based on appointed person in charge

Shopping for groceries

Semalam rasa macam dah nak tutup kemah (psr mlm) tu..aku pi beli brg dapo la dulu..takut satgi depa dah tutup2..syok beli sayur2 kat psr mlm/psr tani ni..sbb rambang mata..sayur pun ok je..fresh la jugak..drp kedai runcit or sesetangah pasaraya..harga lebih krg je...

so..dptla beli sayur 3- 4 jenis..buah selonggok..ikan sekilo..ikan elok2 pyh gak nak cari skrg..maklumla musim tengkujuh..oh ye..aku bwk bakul anyaman plastik (kedai aku jual) utk isi brg2 td..ok gak..nanti2 aku tanak plastik..suh depa tabur je dlm tuh..kecuali ikan la kan..huhuh..

cik abg i tak brp ske sgt aku beli sayur bnyk2..dia takut kering je dlm peti tuh..aku masak pun ikut mood jugak nak slalu masak la jugak skrg ni..leh jimat2 n mkn ikut selera tekak..kalu inut tekak cik abg i tu..nk telur je tiap ari + plus sambal apa2..heheh..tak dapatla kan...kenela selang seli gak ngan lauk lain..

Income semalam agak ok la jugak...walaupun org tak ramai aku rasa..income bukan bergantung kepada org ramai ke tak..tgk brg2 yg kita ada n rezeki la jugak kan..brg dah nak abis gak nih..kene restock lg la plak..

Changes in Academic System

Lately...there are lots of changes to our academic system..
The management are headache to manage the system...
n we are getting confused to adapt...
There are so many changes..until we didn`t really care too much..
Sok..sok..dah finalize..habaq mai kat kami nooo...huhuh...
Poning kami nak catch up..huhuh

Td..our becoming Big Boss tetiba tanya..
"Awak dah diberitahu ke awak kene ganti En. A**i?Dia dh bagtau ke?"
ok..aku hanya jawab merujuk soalan pertama shj..soklan kedua..dh bgtau ape tu yek..ade meeting ke..bgtau aku akan ganti dia ke..atau ape yek..
tak terpk lak nak tanye td..huhuh...
Aiseh..ini bukan perkara main2 lagi ok..kene serius dah meh...nak pikul tanggungjawab..
skrg ni pun aku dah gile kose dah skit2..stkt bg email2 kat org..gile2 kose skit xde hal sgt..ehehe
tp skang tugas n tindakan aku yg sebenar ok...
kene jd lebih bertanggungjawab la more manageable ok..

Ni pun tgh siapkan senarai peralatan makmal kat kampus baru ni..
which..aku fikirkan mula2 nak setelkan sndirik je semua..
bknnye skit..senarai setiap lab...spec n bajet..nk kontek supplier..nk handle tender..bnyk keje tu weih..
tp..bile dipikirkan..hello..takan bos yg nak wat semua sorang diri mende ni..(tengok2..dah riak tuh..)
heheh..xdela...x bermaksud nak berlagak tinggi diri sgt..
cumenye...aku mmg ske aniaya diri kdg2..sbb prob x reti delegate keje kat org..
tp mende camni xleh dibiarkan sebenarnya...
pentingnya team work is..kita boleh share the load n leh diskas2...takdela wat keje syok sendiri..
kalau silap mana2 pun kita tak nampak kalau buat sndiri..
Lagi satu..buat keje ramai2..experience & pengetahuan tuh dpt kat ramai akan berkembang..
so...sila belajar bekerja secara teamwork ye cik puan...(nasihat utk diri sendiri k)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It`s time to be productive...

Writing in English should be good for me to train myself in writing skills..
Since i need to be more active in scientific writing..publications..n research as well..
So..this is a good time for me to be active in blogging too..heheh..
Cuma..writing in English ni jd lambat campur2 jela yek..

Skang..rather than buat bisnes kat kedai je..kami masuk gak pasar malam n pasar tani..
marketing strategy as well..
so..kalau people interested with our items...kami bg business card je..promote kedai..heheh
brg kat kedai xdela bnyk sgt lagi..since we didn`t apply any bank loan..
so..tambah stok skit2 je dulu n rolling2 modal..untung2 skit beli stok n brg kedai..
skang brg2 kedai n psr mlm dah bnyk kita boleh fokus untuk penambahan stok pulak..
lagi satu..bila masuk pasar malam ni..yg bagusnya..boleh gak wat market survey..
apa jenis handbag yg org next time kita boleh amik brg2 based on permintaan je..

Honestly..bisnes ni belum boleh dikatakan akan memberi pendapatan lumayan pd kami..
tambahan pulak musim2 ujan ni..slow skitla income nyer..
tp cukup untuk byr sewa kedai n bil kedai..n beli brg2 & stok kedai..
Tp since skrg bnyk brg kedai kita dah`s time to make some saving n tambah2 lg barang..
Biar susah2 dulu..senang kendian..tul dak..bia la nmpk pelan2 progressnya..
Asalkan semakin bertambah baik..
Harapnya kami dpt majukan lg bisnes ni n make more money...
Bnyk plan dlm kepala ni..huhuh..slow2 naaaa...

Semalam pi nege kat kerteh..alhamdulillah..ok gak pendapatan kami kali ni
Ptg ni kt paka lak..

A mystery has been solved...

There was a bad smell like bangkai in my room..
It was lite2 smell at the beginning..i thought it`s coming from the batu garam..
it starts to melt..because the bulb has burned out..n we were so lazy to take care of it..n just let it melts..
but from my investigation..the smell was not coming from it..
my husband said that it might be from my clothes which were waiting for laundry time..hampeh tul kan..heheh

Yesterday.. the smells was getting worse..
We never found any rats around we were so confident that the smells were not coming from the it must be coming from the ceiling..huhuh..
My husband told me to climb stairs to jenguk2 into the ceiling..hahah..dua2 malas..
I`m confident that i am right because..our one eye blind cat (Dora) had giving birth but no one knows where the kittens i think they are up in the bangkai smells might be coming from any death kitten..
Haiyo..macam2 la ko ni Dora..

So, this husband just can`t help it he starts to climb into the ceiling..n found the dead kitten under our water tank..but he failed to locate where are the other kittens..
We did asked Dora..n she responsed to our question..but we failed to understand her..heheh..
I think she really wanna tell us that her kittens are up there..for a week already..because she is so manja2 lately..and the death of her kid revealed the mystery..huhuh..

We know that the other kittens are up there..but i think we need to wait until they can run and jump..until we can meet them...huhuh..
Still..i`m can she jump n climb into the ceiling with the big belly before giving the birth..haiyo..

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Menu mknn..

gambar2 ni smer paste dah x ingat dah cite2nye..alang2 paste..wa published jela yek menu masa bulan pose..most of it..aku yg masak la kan..masak cincai2..jom jamu mata..heheh

Projek student

Kali ni ada 2 student projek..+ 1 student dipinjamkan..sbb lecturer baru belum sampai..
Tp dah sampai srg tu..bolehla pulang balik..huhuh
bila aku ckp kat bdk tuh nanti u jumpa ur own SV la yek..
tanak plak dia..nak terus duk bwh aku..huhuh..larat ke tidak tah aku nak pegang bnyk2...
yg peliknya student bwh SV lain pun tanye aku pehal..baik sgt ke aku nih ek..heheh..

Title kali ni :
1. Synthesis of HA from eggshell via precipitation : effect of temperature & crystallization
2. Eggshell as adsorbent
3. Eggshell membrane for wastewater treatment

Tu semua tajuk belum finalized pun kali ni kita main kulit telur je yek..dah puas main kulit telur..kita carik sampah lain lak..bak kata member..lepas ni..kita kaji biji durian ke..biji nangka ke..huhuh..apa2 biji pun boleh...huhuh..waaa..bnyk sampah utk di study..


Assalamualaikum... tulis email lak..heheh..lately..mmg asik tulis email je keje aku..

From the 2nd entry...lama gila nak tggu posting ke3 kan..heheh..xpela..aku dah jumpe cara utk login 1 user je tp bleh posting dlm blog2 lain bisnes pun fakulti pun aku gak slalula conflict ni dah tau caranya..

Harini nak citer...kami dah dpt 2 lect baru..sorang part time je..sorang pakej..yg part time tu dari industry la..senior engineer..agak2 macamana attitude seorang senior eng ek...huhuh..for me..he looked "berlagak skit la"...yela..maybe dia pandang kami ni mcm exposure kami to industry ni kan so rendah sgt...xpela..tuh baru first impression..harapnya dia dpt ajar student dgn baik..dgn pengalaman2 yg dia ada..yg sorang lg ok..maybe sbb dia bkn engineer kot..heheh..cuma dgn kehadiran depa berdua nih..setel skit problem kami tang jadual..

jadual pun aku gak yg bnyk jwtn aku ni ek...huhuh..sem ni merupakan transition phase bg aku n my bos..sbb i`m going to replace him..but guess allowance ok..huhuh..cuma skop kerja dikurangkan..okla tuh..anggap je..i`m on training for leadership la ni adala rasa2 macam kuli skit..akula kerani..akula ajk mcm2..xpela..dia nk train aku tuh...harapnye pengajaran aku x terganggu..n research pun ade progress kali ni..